Induction vs C Section

First time mum here. We have been told at our 34 week scan baby is large and already looks to be around 6lb 4oz. This is based off scan measurements so I'm not sure how accurate but consultant is recommending either inducing at 39 weeks or a c section (they are pushing the induction). I've heard inductions are a lot worse than normal labour but not super keen on a c section either because of the recovery. Any advise? 💗
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I had both, however my induction turned into an emergency c section. Hormonal inductions have a 7% success rate and there's a 70% chance ull need to go on hormonal drip if u do have a successful induction. U can have 3 goes of the pessary before before they give up n give u a c section anyways. Hormonal induction can last anywhere between a few hours and a week. You can also get hyper contractions that r uncontrollable n super painful. All methods of induction all have a 33% chance of ending in an emergency c section anyways which r more traumatic and difficult to recover from because they rush it a bit more so the cut and surgery isn't performed as "gently" as a regular c section.

Just remember there is a third option which is to wait for spontaneous labour. It is very unlikely that you would grow a baby too big for you to birth (in the absence of gestational diabetes) and scans are so often inaccurate. Make whatever decision is best for you, but just know that declining their recommendations is a very valid option too.

They pushed me for induction with my first and it ended in an emergency c-section. As a first time Mom i went along bc i was scared and just wanted my baby out safely. I have known maybe 2 out of 20 that were induced and were able to have a natural birth all of the others ended in emergency c sections. In hind sight I would have declined induction and waited for natural labor. My second i wanted to attempt a VBAC but had a planned c section bc my a FIL just had a heart attack a couple weeks prior and we live an hour from the hospital so I needed to make sure I could safely get my first son to my parent’s house esp with hubby working nights at the time. I will say recovery was sooooo much better and quicker with second being planned than first being in labor for 12 hours and then emergency c section. There is no right or wrong just right or wrong for YOU. Trust your instincts mama.

Mechanical inductions has a 70-90% success rate depending on which Mechanical method you use. They generally last anywhere between a few hours to 24hrs. They have a 90% chance of u needing the hormonal drip during labour, they also have a 33% chance of ending in an emergency c section. If the Mechanical induction fails you can then try the pessary afterwards and u get 3 tries with that as well. The actual c section process was alright, the staff where very reassuring and stuff. However with c sections it is much more common for you to not bond with ur baby right away. If u plan for a c section u can plan it recovery n home accordingly to help u. When I got home I was not prepared at all. When u have a c section, laughing peeing sneezing coughing all hurt. If u have a c section u can't drive or bath for y weeks or until ur cleared. The after healing process is significantly longer them a natural birth and it can remain painful for many months after

My baby was measuring about 2-3 weeks a head at every scan and they thought he was going to be big and fat but when he came out just turns out he was regular width but just super long. They can be pretty inaccurate, every sonographer measures different so every person will get different measurements. Like other commenter said its very rare that ur body will make a baby to big for it to handle x

Im the same and im booked in for induction at 38+4 due to GD. Baby weight is fine though. They would advise c section if they thought you had no chance pushing baby out - my sister pushed out 11lb 12oz so dont worry, can be done!! Ive come to realise on this app that everyone only airs the bad induction experiences so do not let it scare you - plenty of women have good/better experiences too. Im the same as you and not keen on the section due to recovery time so going with induction and just going to go with the flow and take it as it comes! Labour is painful regardless! Xx

Induction led to an emergency c section over here. Will have an elective next time! X

Thanks everyone this is so helpful! We did feel a bit backed into a corner by the consultant so think we just need to be stronger on advocating what we want.

I put my faith in the Drs as they are the professionals. They advised induction as had GD, baby measured big and reduced movements. I ended up with an emergency c section as baby was distressed due to pessery. Would I have done things differently probably not at the end of the day baby arrived safely and we have both recovered fine. But don’t forget we are all different. No 2 experiences are the same

Some really good advice on here but I don’t agree that it’s harder to bond with baby after a section.

They pushed me for an induction because baby was measuring big on scan. I was in labour 22 hours. It wasn’t the worse time of my life. But wish I’d just waited for spontaneous labour. They were completely against me having a c section when we discussed my options. I did have a normal vaginal birth following induction. Baby was born weighing a normal weight 8lb 1 so scan wasn’t accurate

@Josephine I wasn't meaning it's harder to bond with ur baby I'm saying it's much more common for women to not have an immediate bond afterwards, midwives and health visitors work more with c section especially emergency c section mums for this reason because they know it's much more common and totally normal to not have an immediate bond x

I had an induction with my first not gonna lie my labour was horrible I had a tear and severe bleeding and just an all round bad experience (was induced because also told baby was going to be big she was 8lbs) had a c section with my 2nd and it was world's apart and a really good experience x

My first baby came out smaller than the measurements that I was given at ultrasound 3 weeks prior to birth! Measurements can be really off. I hated my induction with my first as it was covid and had to be by myself but Labour came on after first pessary and only lasted 6 hours before baby was born so if I wasn’t alone, and therefore scared, I think it actually would have been pretty ok. I was terrified of induction because of what i’d read and so spent ages talking to a consultant about all the different options, what I was scared of, the facts and figures and we came up with a plan that we’d try one 24hr pessary and if that didn’t work then I’d have an elective section. Advocate for what you want and the process doesn’t have to be quite as black and white/this OR that as you’d imagine. (I was induced as was two weeks overdue so might be different for you)

My daughter was predicted to be over 8lb at birth. She was born 8 days early weighing 5lb16oz so take the growth scans wirh a pinch of salt. Imo, DO NOT get induced. My biggest fear even since being a child, was having a c section, I got induced at 38weeks, by day 3 I was asking for a section. 3 days later after they finally broke my waters and I didn't dilate I had an emergency c section. The recovery for me was easy going. Only thing I suffered with was sciatica which is common after a section. I took paracetamol and ibuprofen every 4 hours to get me through. My MIL couldn't get over how well I was. I will always advise mothers to opt for a section and never be induced after my experience. It was brutal!

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Unless there is health risk, your body will birth a baby that fits you... People have large babies via vaginally birth. I had to be induced and the pain was horrendous and wasn't told until after that induction births are more intense and painful. Doctors prefer inductions because they then control when you will birth to suit them. If you want a natural birth advocate for yourself. Read INA MaYAa book a lot in there about this kind of thing, very helpful

I will say they thought my son was going to be almost 10 pounds at 39 weeks but he was 7 11 at 40+4

My first was induced at 37 weeks and we tried for vaginal but my cervix wasn’t opening fast enough for baby to come out so we had to do an emergency c section. Don’t be scared about it. I’d actually prefer it this time around.

Personally I would decline both unless you or baby are at medical risk. It’s very possible baby could come by 39 weeks anyways. Also most scan measurements are off. At my 20 week scan baby measured in 91% and they are already saying they need another scan. I’m not going to let them induce me. They said my first had a head measurement 90% I was induced for medical reasons and she was only 7.5 pounds and her head was normal . People can have perfectly smooth inductions but they are just taxing on mama and baby.

My "best" birth was personally the one without induction There's pros and cons with both types of births and any birth is unpredictable really. I preferred the fact that with natural once the hardest bits over and your baby is here, you get to hold them and pick them up with less of a struggle, still healing and sore and recovering obviously but in comparison.. With the c section I loved how I didn't have to carry on with the contractions but went through it still for 20 hours... so if you cut that bit out then that side of it you won't feel but I hated how I couldn't hold my baby straight away and I physically could not walk due to complications from the induction reaction I had before the emergency c section.. so this had a mental impact for me. I kept forgetting so the bending and moving restrictions etc but again other people have better experiences and if I didn't have the induction prior I guess it would have been smoother for me. I personally with knowing both ways would choose c section

I was induced but it went really well and my daughter was over 9 pounds🤷‍♀️

I was told both my babies would be between 8-9lbs at least, first was 6lb 14oz born at 39 weeks and my second was 6lb 13oz born at 39+1 Imo they’re not accurate at all 😂 I’m currently 24 weeks pregnant with my 3rd and they want to give me two extra scans (30 weeks & 36 weeks) to check growth even though everything again looks fine

I had an induction for 'large' baby at 37 weeks, it failed and ended in emergency c section making the whole situation extremely traumatic. Pregnant with 2nd and I have already told my midwifes under no circumstances will I be having an induction and will opt for planned c section. The problem with inductions before due date is that your body is just not ready, they are more successful for women past the 40 week. As far as I know a recovery for a planned c section is much 'easier' then one from an emergency. If I had my time again I would of declined both and trusted my body. *Only you know what's best and remeber everything us your choice *they said my baby was nearly 10lbs at a 36 weeks scan, she was 7lb 6....

Check out Dr Sarah Wickhams website for some really informative pieces on induction and the reliability of scan for judging size and weight of baby x

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