Do you ever have days where you just hate being a parent?

Don't judge me on this but today has been hell. I've had constant crying, refusing naps and constant irritability all day. I had to eat my dinner cold, drink all my hot drinks cold and haven't been able to go to the loo all day. Today I'm seriously thinking that thinking I could do this was a stupid idea. I love my baby to pieces but today has just made me feel like I'm the worst parent ever.
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Everyone has days like this. Sometimes you just have to put the kids down somewhere safe and walk away for 10 minutes, go to the loo, get a hot drink and take a breather. Youre no good to them if youre running on empty. Youre not the worst parent, you just need a break! I’ve very much felt this this week. I’ve had a raging temperature all week, eldest (4) also with a raging temp, 13 week twins with coughs, one of which is always clingy anyway and the other has decided to cut a tooth this week and all the while hubby swans off to work without a care in the world!

Yep! Literally hate having to through ram my good down my throat just so I can eat

@Francesca 17 weeks

Baby could be teething. You can try infant paracetamol if it seems like the irritability is from pain.

Very very valid my child is spoiled and I love him to absolute death, but he is a bully 🥲😆

Oh yeah, all the time! I have two girls, I love them but some days I just want to opt out 😩 my mantra at those times is, just get through another day x

Awww dont beat yourself up. I have two kids now and sometimes feel like that, especially when my toddler is bullying her little brother! Drives me insane! But my friend said to me the other day "even one of your bad days is way better than a bad mum on a good day". Its really stuck with me. The fact you feel like crap proves your a great mum and just want to do things right. Unfortunately babies go through fussy phases. Hang in there, your doing great! ❤️

Do you get a break? It's hard. But if you can have like 3 hours to yourself, maybe a whole evening, it makes it easier.

We’re only humans. We get tired too. We’re constantly thinking and only taking care of our children. When I feel this way, I tend to just stop everything after they all gone to bed and just relax and do whatever o want to feel better. Everything else can wait until tomorrow morning.

I wouldn't say hate. But when I am sick, like just plain awful sick. I wish i could just focus on me. Like Hubby helps a lot but so much he can do when we have an infant (exclusively BF) and toddler is melt down choking on saliva wanting mommy 😅. But there are momenrs i am just, i need sleep and rest and selfishly have moments that wish i could just focus on me right now. Love them to death, but wjen i am sick i have no patience amd just want/need my rest.

I hated the first 8 weeks, it went brilliantly from 8 to 13 weeks, and now I’m back thinking what have I done 🤣 Unfortunately babies are sometimes arseholes! I would recommend all future hot drinks to be made in flasks! You are not the worst parent ever! You are not the only person to feel like this and you won’t be the last. Right as much as it’s hard to do especially when there’s literally screaming and it all feels like the world is crashing down. But I promise you will feel better if you leave baby in a safe place, his/her cot, put on some headphones, put on your favourite song, make sure it’s loud as hell, go for a wee, make a fresh cup of tea, eat your dinner, and make sure you breathe and try and calm yourself down then tackle the problem. Remember it’s just a bad day, I have learnt that it’s the way we handle it, because the baby can get worse through our tones and the way we are xxx

Sweetheart I get this feeling at least once a week ❤️❤️doesn’t make us less of a mother 😊

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