Anyone else's toddler's sleep gone completely pear-shaped?

There is supposedly a regression around this age, who knows. This is what we are experiencing: -he keeps delaying bedtime -wants to say goodnight to everything in his room -demands for us to stay in his room -screams the house down if we leave him -nightwakes that take ages to settle (Previously slept independently) Oh and we have a 11month old too who is waking up through the night from all the commotion How long does this last? I am running out of patience!
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Similar here too!! It’s driving me crazy! Started to refuse naps at the start of December but he definitely still needs them! So I’ve put it down to that, but a month in I was hoping he would settle in.. when will it end 😰

Yes same here, but it’s because we transitioned him into his toddler bed at the start of Jan. some nights he sleeps through, but he def delays bedtime, asks for a drink/toilet, wants me to stay in his room. Last night he woke at 1.45am & we finally got him to go to sleep in our bed just after 3am…he has never previously slept in our bed. He has comforters, dummy, night light, toniebox & teddies in his bedroom, but seems to want into our bed. He def still needs his naps, but I do think they’re being phased out of you know what I mean. He didn’t nap at all yesterday at nursery & that made his sleep worse it seems! Is your LB in a toddler bed?

Yes but he went in it this time last year which at the time was better. He is in a small double because someone was giving it away for free, which to be fair is better as I can go and sleep in with him which is what I’ve done for the last two nights. My son has been sick over night the last two nights as well which is weird. He was exhausted by 3pm yesterday but still didn’t nap! So by 6.30 his behaviour had gone wild! It’s so exhausting isn’t it

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