@Nicola When he got his evaluation, he did amazing and was actually ahead in his other milestones. It's just his speech that he's struggling in.
@Jules that sounds great then. I have a nearly 2 year old and he can say a handful of words. Am not too worried about his speech just yet because he can understand a lot of what am saying to him.
@Nicola See, I wasn't too worried either until his dr said something. My LO can understand a lot as well. I just feel like he's not that far behind like his dr makes it seem.
@Jules ah I see, but a Dr is different to a paediatrician or a health visitor like we have. Unless they specialise in childhood development then I wouldn’t believe everything they. Every child develops at their own pace.
Hi am from the UK and they normally don’t look into it until the child is 2. Yours sounds like he is on track. Is he reaching other milestones that he should be? If so then wouldn’t worry too much about his speech.