Wear a nappy that is a little bit big will never do any harm, if it's looks like it's uncomfortable n potentially painful then go up a size. Maybe buy a small pack and give it a try worse case they're to big n u just save them for later they won't get wasted. I never went off weight my guy is really long n chunky around his legs but isn't as heavy as the nappies guidelines, just do what u think is best, everything like that for babies is just a guide line not a rule n all babies r built different my baby is 4 months and is in size 3 nappies but I have a friend who's baby is 8 months and in size 2 xx
Change size when you can no longer fasten it around the waist properly. If it leaves lines then it’s def too tights. I don’t really follow the weight suggestion, I always look at the fasten tap bit, if it doesn’t reach past a certain point then it’s time to change size.
@Sarah her last weight on 31st dec was 7lbs 4oz. I think size 2 weight starts at 9 so I feel like she could be around that weight now, or at least approaching - but I do feel like she has room in the nappy itself and even with the straps around the waist, it’s just the marks on her thighs xx
@Willow I think I will give the size 2s a try. I think, because I keep seeing that nappies should sit below the belly button, it makes me think that the nappies are in a still too big - but then seeing the crease lines which are sometimes red makes me think I need to switch xx
The weight on the box is just a guideline. My kids both need to size up before the minumum on the next size. It may not be an issue yet but I find soon after those lines appear blowouts start happening. The next size looks so big until you try it out.
Don’t go by weights on the packet go by how it fits baby and your mothers instinct sounds like yours is to size up x
is she the minimum weight for size 2? if so then I would go ahead and make the switch once your open pack of size 1s are used up!