@Ebony Honestly the chasing around is probably the worst part. So boring for us and highly anxiety inducing...feel like I'm going brain dead 🫠
The stair gates have been a Godsend for us tbh. No more climbing the stairs (she worked it out the day we moved about a month ago now) and being dedicated to the living so I'm not constantly pulling dog biscuits out her mouth or mopping the floor as she was playing in his water
I feel ya! And I’ve got a dog who she loves to crawl round after and I don’t know which one’s worse 🤣 feel like I’ve got two children at times x
I have a 2.5 year old and I remember 10 months being a hard time 😬 it gets better after 1 when they understand more, start communicating better and can move about more confidently. My back is currently killing me 😂
@Shannon this 😂 both as bad as each other and sometimes I swear they egg each other on 🥲
If it does I'll be glad to find it! We've been crawling for nearly 4 months now and I'm losing it. The constant chasing, making sure she hasn't put something in her mouth I missed when I pick things up in the mornings (today an AAA battery and a crystal), the climbing, the pulling on everything (eye sockets, hair, earrings, teeth, clothes), the I need a hug tantrums... I need a hot cuppa and 5 mins peace