Weaning out bottles

How do you wean your toddler off drinking milk from a bottle? Do you give them a sippy cup or is there something else?
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I say try a few and see which you prefer. There will be lots of people who will say no to sippy cups and to only use straws or open cups. We have a range of different styles and let our lb choose which one he'd rather have. He likes to be just like us so he'll more often than not go for either a travel mug or an open cup, or a tall lidded cup with a straw to be like his older sister. I've found making them feel good about growing up and using big boy or big girl cups helps them transition better too. Just if your not used to using open cups take tine to practice be prepared for lots of mess until lo gets it right.

We give ours a sippy cup, changed from bottles when he turned a year old and he still has milk in them (just the regular tommee tippee ones). It sounds a bit harsh but give it to them in whatever cup you choose instead of a bottle one time, if they won’t take it say ok no milk, and try again the next day. If you give in and revert to bottle at any point it’s going to take way longer

We’re still using our original mam bottles for a bedtime bottle of milk. She falls asleep drinking it. I feel like some cups would just leak the milk if they’re held upside down though 🤔 I need to try and find one suitable for us too x

@Holly we're exactly the same... it's like her little comfort, she doesn't have a dummy or anything just a bottle at bed and she normally falls asleep either drinking it or just after, bit scared to change to a cup and disrupt the little routine we got going lol... but I know we need to...

Thanks everyone. I will continue with the bottle for now, as i think it gives her comfort. But will transition to sippy cup slowly. She currently drinks water from sippy cup so i know she can. Its just her morning and night milk she drinks in bottles. And eventually will brave open cup. I am surprised 2 year olds are expected to drink open cup. All these milestones seem to be creeping up on me. She just looks so small to be drinking open cup!

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