I grew up Catholic. And like you, my parents didn't really do much with their religion. I turned back to got when I was 18 and also became protestant. So I can answer lots of questions. Personally, I use NIV and KJV.
So catholic church has praying to saints and also have rules about the importance of church authority. They are least used to claim that disobedience to a priest, Pope or other Catholic clergy? Could send you to hell. Something that a protestant, believes that only God has the power to decide. That's a big difference in the church dynamics. (Also Catholics have strict rules around divorce and remarriage.) But theologically? Protestant is a religion of individuals choosing to follow the teachings of Jesus. They have a personal relationship with God and he tells them what to do. Not the church they attend, as that's is a place of fellowship. Not a place to be told how to live. God speaks in many numerous ways and sometimes it's through the preachers. But it's not exclusively to the preacher/priest. Check out the books and interviews by john Burke to get an idea of the universal God and how he has revealed himself to mankind. It's beautiful! But also reading the gospels are a good starting place, and hearing it
From the book itself. People always recommend the gospel of John, but personally, not knowing the Bible? I'd recommend either luke or Mark. Because they tell the story better....in my opinion. And you can find some recent posts of the arguments for and against the Bible! (My information about the catholic church comes from a history book. And my mil, who had some difficulty remarrying because of the priests and the permissions to remarry ECT.)
Christian is an umbrella term to refer to believers in Jesus/The holy trinity. 3 major groups fall under this umbrella: Catholic, Christian Orthodox, and Protestant. Catholics and Orthodox believe in saint veneration. They ask saints to intercede for them when praying to God. It’s sort of equated to asking another christian to pray for you. Also they believe the church has authority in addition to scripture. Majority of Protestants don’t believe in praying to saints. Many also believe in sola scriptura. Which means the Bible is the only and ultimate authority. All christians regardless of denomination can marry each other. However. I think if you want a Catholic or orthodox wedding .. both parties need to decide to be part of that denomination and go through catechism/classes.
I like the NIV bible. On Amazon, you can search “women’s study bible” and choose from there. Resources I reccomend: 1 look up different types of churches near you and each Sunday attend a different service so you can get a feel for what they’re like. 2. YouTube. There’s videos discussing and comparing each denomination an their theology. 3. The Bible app and Bible chat app. You can choose different plans to read. Some are like 4 day plans. Where you read a devotional which sort of like a lesson on the scripture and then it’s followed by different Bible passages supporting the lesson
You got so much great feedback already! My heartfelt suggestion is to approach Jesus, as a Father first. As a Father you belong to Him, you're under His protection and provision. He created you and loves you unconditionally. He already loves you Hes been waiting for you, all your life, for this moment right here...when you turn your face towards Him, look up, and collapse into His arms. Be His daughter first, as you read & learn about Him through the Bible. He WILL reveal Himself to you as you seek Him daily. 💛
I woke up with these lyrics today... "Like a child holding my daddy's hand I know You understand I'm small Like a child I want my independence But You know what I need and what it costs" This song is great for depression, but also for seeing that Jesus can see it ALL from in & outside of our own experiences. You Know https://g.co/kgs/7pXTD1u
1 I use the NKJV and NASB The major difference is Catholics allow things like praying to various saints and say it’s just veneration, while a Christian says that’s idolatry and thus a sin. You CAN marry someone regardless of if their faith is aligned with your faith, seen in 1 Corinth 7:10-16 Good luck to you friend