Also maybe it could be PMDD? Alot have been misdiagnosed for bipolar where its actually hormonal caused
I have bipolar 1. I will say if you are in the throes of PPD it would be hard to diagnose. Bipolar is characterized by a series of episodes with periods of mania and periods of depression. The episodes last weeks, months or years. My longest manic period was over a year long, followed by the deepest depression for months until medical intervention. If it’s a quick switch it’s more likely BPD, but either require a true evaluation over time.
It's important to let a mental health professional diagnose you after significant evaluation and observation. However, the highs and lows would have to meet a specific criteria. You can do a quick Google search for "DSM-V Bipolar I criteria" and see if you experience those symptoms. If the symptoms started during pregnancy or started within 4 weeks of delivery, it would probably be diagnosed as PPD. If the symptoms continue after a year post partum, a provider may consider a different diagnosis.
I personally feel I struggle more with ppd/ppl with my bipolar, just like you I can be really really good then suddenly out of nowhere I’m low low, suddenly on the verge of a panic attack. If you need to talk about it please feel free to message ❤️