@Noelle I am! Even though I’m getting decent enough sleep like this is just crazy, I feel slow
Take your time it will get better sooner than later just eat well alot of protein make sure you eating all ur nutrients and take prenatals!
I hear you. Having a toddler and nursing a baby is a lot harder this time. I’m 6 months pp and every time I’m like I’m done I keep going and enjoying some moments however I have kendamil in our pantry when it’s time to supplement or switch. It’s an EU formula and has good reviews. I don’t trust so many US anymore tbh after the shortage it scares me and EU has higher standards of approval than FDA
@Taylor yah it’s something special alright LOL. We have Kendamil too but he won’t take it, or anything in a bottle for that matter so oh well! I got my wish of EBF I just had no clue what it was like before
Oh man, I feel you! I'm the same, my daughter was bottle fed due to my milk not coming in (traumatic birth and medical issues afterwards) and now I'm breastfeeding my son (4 months old) and WOW... I'm knackered... to be fair, his sleep is not as good as hers was either and obviously night feeds are mainly on me, but aside from that, it's just draining. Mentally and physically. We are now giving two bottles of Aptamil each day, one during the day and one before bed, tends to give me a wee break and makes him sleep a bit better. Xxx
Yuppp best advice I received was to take it one day at a time super draining mentally and physically and you literally tired allllll dayyyy