My baby has never had a bottle she’s exclusively breast fed but I think you should be giving about 4 bottles a day. About 7-8 ounces per bottle.
If your baby is eating what you are giving your not over feeding her she will tell you when she’s full
If she doesn’t finish a full bottle then decrease the amount by an ounce.
As much as she wants I feed on demand but kinda have a schedule so I do kinda know if she’s being a little pig but mostly I just let her have whenever she wants
24-36 oz in a day. We do the pitcher method and he drinks out of cups now. It really depends on his mood. If he's teething or sick he'll drink more and eat less
4 7-8oz bottles and snacks and I think she's more hungry and needs more in the evening. We ate upping solids at dinner time
2 5oz bottles (between meals) and 2 8oz bottles (morning and night) , she has purees and solids during the day.
My baby is exclusively breastfeed he’s never taken a bottle, but he nurses 4 times a day I’d say? Plus eats regular food & baby food through the day.
4 bottles a day for my 10 month preemie 6-8 oz sometimes when the schedule is hectic we switched it up but he has a minimum of 24 oz a day no purées but he gets baby oatmeal with his milk(aspiration issue)
My daughter 10minths is exclusively breast fed my son when he was ten months he was eating 4 ten oz bottles a day with 3 five oz bottles. Plus three meals. He has always been active with a super fast metabolism
I 5 6oz bottles but she also eats 3 meals and a snack