Medicated/ Unmedicated Birth

Hey all! I just wanted to see others experience with the healing process whether you had a medicated or unmedicated birth? My first birth healing was MISERABLE and I just wanted to see other’s experiences!
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I had unmedicated water birth and tore with my first. Really the birth was the hardest. By 2 days later I was feeling really good. Though I don't have a medicated birth to compare too. I think part of it is if you take care of your body while pregnant and maintain activity

@Kelly That’s so interesting! 100% I definitely plan on taking better care of my body this time around!

I was so towards unmedicated and natural, just wanted to listen to my body, after 13 hours of labor and getting to 8.5 cm dilated and puking from the pain I decided to go with an epidural, I was able to use a mirror and my doula helped with my breathing and husband helped with being my cheerleader for pushing. 6 hours later with the last 90 minutes being the pushing time, I was able to make jokes and laugh with the process, not tearing at all, and able to do laps around the corridor to help start my healing journey. I don't know why but I only had two times that I spotted when I went to the bathroom in the hospital other than that there was no postpartum bleeding, not sure what that was towards though. I have the same OB this time so I'm actually planning on asking him. I want to do unmedicated this birth but we'll see when I'm actually in the moment.

@Gavinga Doing laps after is so crazy! That’s amazing! I did not have that experience and unfortunately couldn’t walk for 2 weeks after😬

I had a medicated birth. I loved it. I had a small tear that I didn’t feel during birth but mostly I was very swollen after delivery. I’m not sure how common that is. But that was the worst of my pain I believe. I made sure to ask for ice packs for my lady bits and they gave me Tylenol (which I’m not sure if it did anything). After the swelling was down I was mostly just sore and tired. My mind was nice and clear during birth because I wasn’t in pain. So I’m definitely doing it again for baby number 2.

@Angie I had the bad swelling too but it took FOREVER to go away!

I had a natural birth (unmedicated) my intention was to do a water birth but ending up having to deliver on a bed I birthed a birth house and they had delivery rooms and a shower and bed almost like a home I didn’t want to be in a hospital.. and definitely wanted more freedom, my birthing only got ramped up when I was having trouble breathing and pushing so like I said the midwife made the call to move me I was praying and within a few pushes my son came and not long after my placencta came easy rq after no pain… the walk to bathroom for the first pee and leaving I was a bit sore but just grateful to have a had a safe delivery still in shock but honestly when I started experiencing my labor pains I really had no clue I was in labor till the contractions that were hitting I got nauseous and then I was yelling to my hubby like alright it’s time to go everything was in a rush I didn’t have my snack bag prepared car seat in, no diaper baby bag ready he came when he wanted that’s for sure

I can’t even remember if i was dial aged when i got to the birthing house but i do know i had to wait for the pool they had to set up so I did have to wait maybe at least a hour but delivery for me literally was quick I’d say less then 6hrs. I stand on my okra water and raspberry leaf tea and there’s this oil that goes up the cooter around a certain time I was preparing and I definitely recommend

I really wanted to go for unmedicated but a labor and delivery nurse did tell me ‘you don’t get a medal for going unmedicated’. Ended up with an epidural, super positive birth but a second degree tear. I was very swollen but the ice packs helped loads and I think it was only about 3 days of finding it hard to walk. It did help that my husband did pretty much everything for the first week. Planning exactly the same next time, although I will probably get the epidural sooner and have more sleep before delivery 😊

The thing that I’m hearing with this epidural is that because it’s a unnatural medicine that’s used to fasten your labor it’s a shock to the body where it’s in fight or flight while trying to push a baby so although you may feel more relaxed with the medicine your more tense when it comes to pushing because your body is unclear of the strength it needs to push to get the baby out naturally it’s thinking from the epidural let’s go let’s go but @Emma im sorry you had to go through that no delivery nurse should ever be talking like that and I worked in the hospital so to hear that is distasteful but as long your taking care of your body and preparing physically and mentally you’ll be great breathe mommas you got it

@Kayla it was somebody I knew so she probably wouldn’t just say it at work. It helped me accept the best plan at the time even if it wasn’t my birth plan. From the epidural I managed to get 3 hours sleep and then straight to pushing for 28 mins. For me it was the best thing in the end and those words actually helped me. I did a lot of prenatal yoga, prenatal chiropractor care etc which definitely helped me with the birth and recovery. I do believe I wouldn’t have teared so much if I didn’t have the epidural though. Getting an epidural is a decision that does take a lot of research into the pros and cons. I have only heard of 1 person who has had an epidural and regretted it. 95% people in my area have an epidural when giving birth, a lot of them would be having a C-section but it did make me feel more confident.

Awe glad to hear stay healthy sending love and light mama @Emma

20 hrs natural labor and I would do it all again for the same kid. 2nd degree tear but tbh I don’t remember feeling it. I used Dermaplast down there for the bathroom and stool softener before I needed it, other than that no issues recovering. We were going on family walks within a few days. I do intend on going much easier on myself this time.

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