My girls been grunting for a while, she’s just a noisy little thing lol
Mine grunts when I’m lugging him and all his stuff up our front steps . as if he’s doing all the work .
@Adia that’s so cute, it’s hilarious when they do a deep sigh as if they’ve been working all day
My baby girl has been grunting so much. When she’s playing with toys, she grunts. When she’s feeding, she grunts. When she’s being held, she grunts. She doesn’t cry or get fussy, she’s just grunting lol I think that’s a way they are discovering the noises they can do?
My first grunted a lot, but only in his sleep. It actually was the first sign in sleep apnea!
Mine just screams. I wish they were grunts 😂
My daughter grunts fiercely when she is pooping!