Sleep help??
I am 99% sure I’ve tried it all by now but figured I’d crowd source anyways. It kinda relates to my 2 year old but the main issue is with my 4 year old.
My 4 year old has never slept through the night and I feel like never gotten deep sleep. It’s always very light/dozing off style of sleep.
We have tried so many routines and supplements and everything in between and nothing works. We live a healthy low tox lifestyle.
He is mildly on the spectrum. Lately it seems to be getting worse and I’m starting to feel a little hopeless. It’s effecting basically everyone in the house how much he is awake at night. I’m exhausted.
He will need to share a room with my 2 year old soon and my 2 year old sleeps through the night and is a great sleeper and I don’t want this to effect him more than it already does.
Has anyone had a kid like this?? Any suggestions? We’ve brought it up to multiple doctors and we get some advice but nothing that works.
I am wondering if we need to do lab work or something next because I feel like we have exhausted most of our options 😭
If you have any tricks or tips please share them 😭
So I have some experience here, my 6 year old is autistic and he doesn’t really sleep much either but it doesn’t really affect him so we just let him be he is really good at not walking out of his room or getting out of bed in the middle of the night if he’s not sleeping. We have stuffed animals for him and quite toys for him in case he can’t sleep then he talks to his stuffed animals or reads a book. He doesn’t wake up his brother either which is 2 years old. My 2 year gets his sleep pretty well and is able to sleep in even though they share a room. I only have experience with my son but I feel like as long has he can entertain himself without waking others up he’s ok and I let him be but I remind him every day that he needs to be aware that others may not want to be awake at that same time and he should try to keep it down and not make too much noise. In our home we live with other family members so sometimes everyone is sleeping expect for him and I.