How do I get my breast milk supply up

I’m breastfeeding and pumping but I have no idea how much baby is getting. Sometimes when I pump I get a large supply but other times I get a small batch. How do I consistently keep my supply high?
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I learned there are lactating cookies that help with that, search online, or Amazon

You breastfeeding directly will ALWAYS be more than a pump! You can get 5-10 let downs during a feeding session. I know it’s hard to stress because you can’t physically see it but don’t worry! A baby pulls much more than a pump. Take sunflower lecithin pills , hydrate, don’t stress (watch your favorite funny show while pumping), limit caffeine and alcohol, lay CJ your baby as much as you can! Some swear by Oreos, brewers yeast , a high protein diet.

Baby gets more than a pump. Unless you want to build an oversupply just let baby eat. Your body adapts to what it needs to give so if you pump extra your body will produce extra.

Personally, I tried everything. Make sure to drink SO MUCH WATER

W A T E R cannot stress this enough. I tried EVERYTHING and the thing that worked the best was being hydrated!! I skull 650ml every time I take a sip

With my first, I was producing about 15oz extra per day. Now after feeding my second baby and my toddler, I make about 7-11oz extra per day. These are things that helped me: Breastfeeding is all about supply and demand. Maintain a consistent pumping schedule and continue pumping at least 10 min after you've emptied your breasts (this will tell your body demand is increasing). I usually pump right after breastfeeding baby Add a pumping session overnight if you haven't already. Lots of skin to skin with baby. Stay hydrated and don't forget electrolytes! Body Armor or liquid IV packets are great for this. Reduce stress where you can and get lots of sleep If you exercise regularly, try to keep it light. Heavy exercise will affect milk supply. Mother's Milk tea by Traditional Medicinals works GREAT. I swear by Oreos. There is no evidence that it increases milk supply but if nothing else, it's good for the soul. Hope this helps and good luck!

My mom would make oat water with some sugar and another ingredient that I can’t remember right now. She would blend it and give it to me and it helped with my supply. If you’re trying to make a freezer stash I recommend feeding baby first then pumping the rest. in the beginning I would breastfeed then pump for 15 minutes. And I agree @Sera Kay ✨ with water


Normal for supply to be higher sometimes than others

so there’s actually nothing that can help increase your milk supply apart from your baby. offering your boob or doing a cluster feed through a pump is the best way to increase it xx

Is your baby content after a feed, putting on weight and following their centile line, having lots of wet and dirty nappies? If they are then they are getting all that they need. When you pump that’s not a good indication of how much milk you have because babies are much more efficient at getting it out

Mothers milk tea, milky drinks and power pumping help. I would also pump longer and more often to get the supply steady

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