10 months is still so young for mark making I wouldn’t be at all worried she’s not interested in it! If you’re worried about her putting things in her mouth, you can do things that are taste safe - for mark making you can make paint out of food colouring and yoghurt, blitz cereal down to make sand (can draw in the “sand” with her fingers), make play dough - the squeezing and rolling etc will strengthen her finger muscles for mark making!
I put paint on a canvas and put the canvas in a ziplock bag and let my daughter paint the canvas we did this in November right before she was 8 months old and she loved it
We’ve got a big tuff tray and just use food items and I sit her in it and she plays with whatever’s in it with spoons etc
Add a bit of food coloring/paint into bubble juice, blow bubbles with baby and let them pop them onto a paper. Also when it's warm google how to make chalk paint and let them go to town