When to lose nappies at bedtime?

My girl has been potty trained since last August. Of course we have the occasional accident still, but 95% she is successful using the toilet. I’m still using pull ups at night time but 99% of the time she is dry in the morning and it just feels like such a waste of money and of nappies! 🫠 I know it would be typical that if I leave it off one night then that would be the night she wets the bed! 🫣 Has anyone successfully gone nappy free at bedtime yet??
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I would if u were you because if your daughter is dry at night time that’s amazing! Just keep taking her to toilet before bed/first thing, it seems like she’s ready. Just use waterproof mattress protectors or puppy pads just in case. My boy still needs to wear nappies at night but he did wake me in the middle of the night last night to go for a pee so maybe he’s becoming aware of needing to go now while he’s sleeping 😊

I pretty much did it with my daughter as I did when potty training her and she's been fantastic... Only had 1 accident but we have waterproof mattress protectors anyway (or did) but she's been like this over 12 months now and she does wake for a pee if she needs which is rare, but yeah make sure she goes before bed and then first thing in the morning (we've started leaving bathroom light on incase she needs to go)

My son's been fully potty trained since September. He had a couple of accidents at nursery at the start but apart from that he's been ok. We noticed the start of December he was waking up in a morning and was dry so we started leaving his nappy off. He's had one night where he's woke up and he had wet the bed. I think it's good that that happened because he woke up and didn't like the fact he was wet so he always uses potty before bed now and then as soon as he wakes up. He's had no other accidents. He still has a waterproof sheet on his bed just in case but he's smashing it. I say just bite the bullet and get rid of the pull ups now. Just try and encourage her to use the potty/toilet before bed and don't give her too much to drink after a certain time. I think she will smash it..

I am glad you asked this question! My son has been potty trained for about a week and I was wondering when you take away the night nappy 😂😂😂 maybe we need some more time. I was thinking about leaving his potty in his room so he can use it in the night if he needs? Has anyone else tried this or is that a chaotic idea? 😂

We potty trained over Christmas and we’ve had over two weeks of dry nights (he’s in the drynites overnight, not proper nappies) and like you said it feels like a waste. I think we’ll ditch them soon but just in case I’ll put puppy pads and a waterproof mattress protector on.

Thank you all!! I’ve bit the bullet and she’s gone nappy less tonight!! 🤞🏽🤞🏽

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