Don’t worry you are still early! Here are some tips I learned from an occupational therapist though! 1. No walkers. It often actually delays walking so they recommend against using them. 2. There are little push walkers that you can buy that help build their leg muscles, looks almost like a push cart or shopping cart. 3. Use toys or items they like as motivation and use two chairs placed vey close together. Once your son is standing holding on to one chair, move the item to the other chair so that he walks from one to the other while standing on the ground. Gradually move the chairs farther apart so he has to take a step or two to move between the chairs. If he starts sitting down and crawling again, push them closer together so he keeps standing and walking between them. Hope this helps!!! :) Just came across this on another post, so thought id copy it here. My son was about 13 months before he decided one day to just walk towards me and he's now 16 months and never stops🤣
have him push a chair that really helped my baby out !!!
But when he is ready he will walk
My LB didn't walk independently until 19m but he would walk holding our hands and sofa surf. Def a confidence thing. We did alot of encourage with him, some great tips above from Christina too. I had no concerns as our LB focused on his fine motor skills and language first, walking def after this.
I don't believe in walkers "delaying" babies from walking independently. Just as long as they have plenty of floor time and dont sit in the for hours! We used one for a few months so that baby could scoot around for short periods, and she started waking at 10 months. We did nothing special to encourage waking it just happened. All babies are different. I have friends who's babies walked at 18m or later and are fine
@Renee i just copied it from another post that was a few down from this one. My son used a walker too but it is spoke about in child development that it can delay them walking but like you said every baby is different
My son had a walker and a push walker it was brilliant in helping him walk, he was walking by 10 months, i dont believe they hinder development, they don't use them long enough, and everyone I know had a walker and they've never had any issues with walking ect. I just did little and often don't leave them in it all day kind of thing. But that just my opinion. I didn't do anything to encourage my son just let him have lots of tummy time and let him sofa surf, walk with him round the house holding your hands ect. I've got friends who's kids didn't walk until 18 months plus, when there ready they'll do it. Don't worry ur not a bad mum, ur doing great!
My son didn’t walk until he was 21 months! Don’t worry they will do it in their own time
My sons only 6 months but I’ve heard putting 2 objects in their hands can mimic that they’re holding onto something so tricks them into feeling more balanced and it can help if he’s already trying to? xx
15mo to 18mo is the normal range for walking! You're not falling behind and you're not a bad mum! If your baby was to start walking now at 14mo he would actually be an early walker!
My son didn't start walking till he was 15 months and my husband until he was 3!!
My girl didn’t walk until 15 months
My LO isn't walking independently yet and she's 18 and a half months now. When I spoke to the health visitor she said as long as LO is standing a bit, trying to walk along the sofa, crawling lots, holding hands to walk - anything like that, then there's nothing to worry about! 👍🏼 Don't stress, believe me that's rich coming from me because I get very concerned about LO, but I know she'll do it when she's ready and she's showing lots of good signs. Also, just to clarify at 14 months my LO wasn't showing like any interest in walking tbh!
My daughter is nearly 17 months and still not walking- I have had times feeling the same as you- it’s easier said than done but please don’t worry. My daughter didn’t pull to stand until 14 months and even then she didn’t do it regularly until a month ago. She now walks with a push along walker which really helps, but we had it for a long time before she would use it. I take my daughter to soft play a lot to give her chance to climb around which seems to build her strength. Also, sometimes I think watching other kids motivates her as she wants to join in. They get there in their own time 😊
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Is he walking holding hands ?
He's not falling behind! There is no need to worry until they're 2 i think. Is he holding into furniture to walk yet?