MIL complained about her in-laws but basically described herself 😂

I can’t stand my MIL and try to avoid as much as possible. The past year or so I have been grey rocking during any visits and had not been to their home in over 12 months. Well….unfortunately I couldn’t avoid a visit to them any longer as my husband had been badgering me saying “my parents have been asking when can they see the WHOLE family” 🙄 even though he has been over with the kids plenty of times! So reluctantly I went over and straight away MIL starts her usual moan and groan about people she knows, unsolicited “advice”, opinions on anything mentioned but I decided to not let it get to me and just smiled, nodded and responded as little as possible but then she said this which literally made me piss myself laughing :- “Oh I couldn’t stand my in-laws. I’d have rather killed myself than live with them (this was in reference to a comment made about some in-laws moving into and living with their son and DIL) …well, I’d have actually probably killed my MIL actually as she was just awful.” (This all in front of her husband!) “She was crap with the kids wasn’t she FIL, never sent a card or present for birthdays or christmases. Never took any interest in the kids and then wondered why they never wanted to visit them” (This was all whilst my daughter was tugging on her asking her to go play and her response was no nanny can’t come play I’ve had too much Gin 🙄) “You know kids pick up on these things and just don’t want to be around people that don’t care about them. Well ours didn’t did they FIL” …….😳 All of this coming from the woman who hardly ever sees our kids, when she does never wants to play with them as she just wants to talk and gossip and doesn’t seem to pick up on the fact that I actively avoid her because she pisses me off so much and talks shit about me and my kids behind my back to other family members! I could have laughed as she spent ages running down her own in-laws whilst basically describing herself (other than the fact she does give bday presents but has to ask us what they want as she doesn’t know them!) Well anyway….that was my annual visit done and I have no intention of returning for at least another 12 months 😂
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My FIL complains about how he can't stand to be around his MIL so much, but fails to see how I possibly could feel the exact same way when it comes to spending so much time around them. Like, dude, if you're going to complain about how it takes a toll on you after days on end, think about how the same situation would get to me because your mother in law (husbands grandma) is the same as my MIL (husband's mom) lol 🤦‍♀️

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