Potty training - how to progress

We started potty training at the start of the year. The first week he would do most of his wees in the loo, few wet nappies. Since then when we ask him if he wants to do a wee, he pretty much every time says 'no', but of course some of the time he does as he has wet nappies. How do I make progress on this? If I was to carry him to the loo and ignore his 'no', he would scream the house down and be upset
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And to add, he says he doesnt want stickers so that doesnt help

What if you took his nappies off?

@Bobbie Wilson dont know, at some point we could try but Dad doesnt want messy chaos so I'm trying other things first (plus its super cold to be half naked atm)

Someone posted on here that they put trousers nothing else. So not cold but nothing touching bum.

What about pants under their nappy? That way they can feel the wet but no mess :)

Thanks, his nursery days were increased recently so I will wait for him to settle in a bit longer, and for his cold to go, then its systems are go x

We sometimes still have to convince our daughter to go. Just make it fun. We bring a toy or a book and continue playing Most of the time she says no just because she does not want to stop what she's doing.

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