Sitz bath and tucks
Make sure you're drinking a gallon of water daily, continue using your creams, and use an in shower warm epsom salt sitz like this one ( Sitz Bath tub,Sitz Bath for Hemorrhoids,Sits Bath Kit for Women Men,Wider Seating Area, Deeper Bowl (Green No Legs) ) w or w/o a shower chair (add a handle to your wall to help avoid slipping). If you haven't already, reach out to your OB for prescription lidocaine or other pain relief. Use fudge pop shaped mold to make cylindrical ice, put in plastic bag, cover w sock or 2 and place between cheeks, not internally, for a few minutes at a time. Also ensure you've got plenty of fiber in your diet and lower intake of foods that'll give you hard poops like beef. Your stool should be soft. Also prop your feet on anything that bring your knees level w your belly button (like a squatty potty or laundry basket flipped over). Don't sit on the toilet longer than 4 or 5 min. I'm sorry you're dealing with this on top of pregnancy discomfort 💛
I am so sorry you are going through this. I never had one that painful, but I’ve had some pretty uncomfortable ones. It sounds crazy, but sugar helped me more than preparation h ever did!
@Joanna if you don’t mind me asking how did you use the sugar?
Topically. I would have my husband pour some into my hand and I would cup the hemorrhoids the best I could and hold it for about a minute. The easiest place for me to do this was in the shower and once I had some relief I’d rinse it off. My grandmother told me about it, I was so shocked lol
Sitz bath