Is your kiddo potty trained?

My son haven’t want to go potty and refuse to leave the diaper, any tips I would appreciate it, specially for a boy
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I'm in the same boat. My son refuses to use the potty, but I know he can do it as he has in the past. He's just very stubborn and distracted and refuses to go now. I'm at a loss right now and I'm not sure what to do anymore. I've tried underwear, just having him go naked, I've tried prizes, stickers, etc. I'm not sure what to try anymore.

i just got my boy potty trained. still struggling with #2 a little bit but it will take time and consistency and that's okay because every child is different. I got this $40 toilet off of Amazon and boy WAS it worth it ! so it flushes and makes the flush sound and it even has a toilet paper holder on the other side so it fully functions like a real toilet and my toddler loved it so much that was he had no more accidents after day 3 when I thought it would take him 2 months. I highly recommend the real looking toilet. I kept him naked the entire time as well I thought it wouldn't work because it didn't in the past but it ended up working!

@Kathryn exactly the same with my son, I don’t know what else to do

@Destine are you able to link the toilet you got? I just wanna look into it

CheerTry 2-in-1 Toddler Potty... @Kathryn

Something that I’ve seen work for several friends (and for myself) is using cloth diapers. They don’t keep the moisture away from their bottoms, and so kiddos feel uncomfortable and want to potty train. I use them only part time, but it became clear to me that when I used them my first would cooperate and go on the toilet, so I transitioned to full time with her until she was potty trained :) I’ve also heard of people getting training underwear for them, and transitioning to that until they learn. Hope this helps!

How old?

Oh sorry lol just saw the group I was in

Pick a favorite candy and use it!! My son never wanted to go. But once he realized he got his fave chocolate EVERY time he went... he started doing it more and more. Bribe it too... no shame. Maybe also try bringing up going potty every 10 min or so, and even shut everything distracting down (TV etc). We are still working on him telling me he has to go when we are in public. But at home he's 100%. We also had daddy show him often and made peeing in the water a game. I think boys are just tough. Good luck!

I have a son (now 5) and he had zero interest to even try until he was three. He never asked to go or wanted to practice even though he got him a mini potty. I eventually just picked a long weekend and decided it was time. We started with understand with a pee pad (for kids) in it. I set an alarm for 10 mins and we would try, if he didn't pee I would set it for 5 mins until he peed and then it reset to 10 mins alarms. His issues was he dis t want to stop playing so the alarm really helped. After a few pees in the potty we took the pads away (yes, he had accidents too). After the long weekend he was comfortable going. We still had accidents and had times where he would do really well and then regress. He only liked standing to pee, so we told him to make bubbles in the water when he peed (it helps with aim) or if he wasn't able to pee we would say 1, 2, 3 peeeee which makes him laugh. If he didn't pee we would say it a few times. I feel like it takes the pressure off cos he is laughing.

Part 2 - he even says it now sometimes if he needs to go. Pooping was a whole other story cos he only wanted to stand so that was difficult. I will say I was terrified that night time training would take forever and he came to us and told us he didn't want to wear a diaper at night (he was 4) and barely had any accidents. My daughter on the other hand (who is 3) showed signs of interest way earlier and didn't struggle nearly as much getting used to it. Good luck mama! Sorry my post is so long!

@Robyn thank you, really appreciate, I will give it a try

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