Join and post on this group and they will advise. The best way for him to learn to take appropriate mouthfuls I would of thought is for him to have it himself on a plate and he will learn to take little bites. As long as everything is cut appropriately for BLW there shouldn’t be an issue. He may just gag a lot xxx
@Abbie thank you but I defo can't just let him shove loads of food in his mouth , he will choke.. I was just seeing if anyone had the same issue , I'll just continue to do what I'm doing till he understands abit better , thank you for your advice and page share
@Erin put less food on the plate too then add more when he’s finished. The page is really helpful
Yes we have the same! I start by giving him a small amount at a time, then when he’s getting full I try a fuller plate… I think when they’re hungry they have no sense of pacing themselves!
My 14 month old is exactly the same its such a nightmare to do one piece of food at a time xx