Formula help

I’ve recently gone from EBF to formula and have dropped 1 breastfeed a week so that my little boy gets used to it. Any tips on how I can get him to take a full feed? I am often reoffering the bottle many times. I have tried longer periods between feeds but not much luck. I am particularly wanting him to take more at bedtime and if he wakes in the night as he’ll only have maximum 4oz but not sure what the “normal” is. He has roughly 30-32oz a day including 1-2 feeds at night. He’s barely eating with weaning so I wouldn’t say that has an effect
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I read - not sure how true it is - that babies that were previously breastfed won’t eat as much as is ‘normal’ for a baby that’s been formula fed since birth, so they won’t automatically want 8/9 ounces. They’re more likely to eat little and often, just like at the breast. He might just naturally increase how much he takes in a bottle when he’s used to it? I’m not a formula feeding mum myself but I think 30-32oz a day is a normal range too.

Yeah he used to breastfeed little and often so I’m not surprised. I had him weighed last week and he’s still on the same percentile so that’s good but just worried he’s not having as much as “recommended”

This is what we are doing and it seems to be working well. Last bf feed by 5pm, dinner then entertaining until 6:30. 7pm bath (which she loves always) then bottle - she will have 180ml of formula in one go as she’s hungry by this point. Then story and bed for 8pm (she goes on boob and I pump a small amount later on to not lose any supply until we’ve figured the rest of the routine out). She then sleeps all night and is very content as it stands!

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