Breastmilk supply

I am so worried about having a low supply as baby is rarely satisfied after a long feed on both sides and different positions. Does anyone have any tips to help boost supply that has worked please?
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They may be cluster feeding, but mothers milk tea and brewers yeast has always helped me. I regularly drink coconut water and eat dates too bc it supposedly helps supply and they’re just a normal part of my diet now. Make sure you’re eating plenty of calories.

Nothing will help unless you stimulating your nipple and emptying your breasts first, it's all supply and demand x let baby eat as often as they want, is baby having enough wet and dirty nappies and gaining weight??

What is baby doing thayb makes you think they arent satisfied or that you have a low supply?how old are they? Along as there are plenty of wet and dirty nappies and gaining weight they should be fine 🙂

My lo uses my nipple as a comforter sometimes whilst drinking so yours might be the same. I started to use a dummy after feeding so she feels a bit more comforted. Xx

@Amanda Brown thank you! I’ll give these a go and hopefully it’ll help 🙏🏼

@Chelsie she has a lot of wet nappies during the day and has one bottle of formula in the evening my partner gives and that is when she usually has a dirty nappy. She was gaining weight and has dropped slightly to the 25th they weren’t concerned but wanted to keep an eye on it. I’m just worried it’s not meeting her needs as she’s mostly unsettled

@Alana she’s unsettled, barely sleeps after a feed in the daytime. She’ll pull on the nipples sometimes or unlatch and not latch back on properly until I switch sides. She’s 7 weeks now, her weight has dropped slightly to 25th which makes me think it’s not meeting her needs, I don’t want to give up breastfeeding but also don’t want her to be unhappy or hungry and there feels like a lot of pressure to formula feed from others around me

@Chanelle my daughter does this too and won’t take a dummy now either but her weight has dropped slightly, just want to do all that I can for her as I really feel like it might be a supply issue

Around this time they've do become a little bit fussy on the boob but that's their way of stimulating more production. They also drop weight a bit naturally around 6/7 weeks. Mine went from above the 9th centil to the 2nd but "they" aren't concerned. She was weighed again and is now following the 2nd centile nicely .

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