Sleep trained toddler no longer self soothing
Long story short, our toddler we sleep trained at 18 months old and is now 27 months old is no longer self soothing. We Went on an international trip for about month where he was still sleeping in his own at night and for naps but during the trip we left him for five days with grandparents and that seemed to set of a wave of separation anxiety and our last week there, his schedule was very off. Fast forward to being back, he no longer can sleep on his own. Wants constant reassurance we are there and it’s progressed to the point he is waking every 45 minutes at night and naps he just cries for two hours until he sleeps. We check in every 15-20 minutes and then leave the room buts it’s exhausting. Has anyone faced this? What do we do?
We had this after our LO started nursery. I think like you said being away from them just gives them that fear of being separated again and travelling especially for a long period and far is a huge change even if we try to keep the routine. From my experience I would say they don’t forget to self soothe but can have temporary regression. Every time we face such a setback I try and just stay strong to stick to the routine and the principles that worked the first time. LO will readjust But also address the separation anxiety whilst he is awake. I’m sure you’re already doing it but just spending lots of quality time before bed with zero distractions and lots of hugs and kisses and reassurance. And the check ins you’re already doing. I know it’s so tiring but they do get back into it