Mental state

So I’ve just hit 24 weeks and I suddenly feel constant anxiety, I’m scared to go out the house in case something happens. I’m scared to be alone in my house in case I need someone in an emergency or something happens and I’m on my own and no one can get to me, every little pain or leak I have I’m scared that I’m going into early labour. Did anyone else feel like this? I was literally fine my whole pregnancy up until I’ve hit 24 weeks. My partner goes on holiday in two weeks without me and the thought of him going away and leaving me on my own, I cry every time I think about it because I’m so scared to be alone or when he goes to work I get really upset because I’m scared to be on my own .
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Not as bad as that no. Have you spoken to anyone like your midwife about it? Were you previously an anxious person? I’m just 24 weeks now too and the fact that baby would now be viable has given me a bit of reassurance x

@Scarlett I haven’t no… I do plan to as I’m having a midwife appointment Friday 😕 Yes I suffer with a few mental health issues but I’ve been doing so well up until I hit 24 week :( most people say it makes them feel at ease but I’ve gone the complete opposite and I’m just crumbling 😢

i think i was the same around this point in my first, i remember i would google everyday the statistics of baby surviving if they came that day and i would genuinely stay in bed for hours convincing myself if i didn’t move then baby would be safe, no logic whatsoever, your brain just makes up these random things and you go with it😫 but if it’s any comfort, you’ve reached viability week❤️

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