I wouldn’t say that’s too early. As it would be 12.5 hours sleep a night which is about right. On nursery days when my girl is tired she can go down about 6.30 and is up at 6.30 too. It might also be he is still adjusting to not having a nap so he might get more used to it and you might be able to push bedtime a bit later if needed. I remember those first few weeks when my girl dropped her nap and the late afternoons were the worst! She was so tired and grumpy but it does get better x
@Letitia me too!!
@Letitia yes I tried that but then when it did work, he didn’t go to sleep until gone 4, so didn’t fall asleep at night till nearly 9 and was still up at 6.30. He does better with only a 10 minute recharge but it took over an hour of random driving for that.
Sorry I don’t know the answer but have you tried to go out in the car to get him to nap? That’s the only way I can get my boy to nap!