Hey! My husband used to do bed times until about 3/4 weeks ago when my LG would scream until I held her. Tonight is the first night since then she’s let him put her to sleep, and although I’m still around when he did it, she hasn’t been upset at all tonight whilst he’s tried to put her to sleep. Not sure what’s different about tonight but she was getting so upset before we just stopped. Having said this, he does give her a bottle in the evening too and always has done (sometimes expressed, sometimes formula). Not sure if that’s made a difference? If you’re happy to try and express so he can do that too?
@Emily hey! Sounds blissfull 😍🙌 was it a big adjustment for yous when he started bedding him at 7 months? I could deffinatley try not letting him fall asleep on the boob on the nights I bed him if my partner decides to give bed time a go. We rotate baths and everything else it's just the getting him to sleep part I've been doing on my own. Thanks for sharing how it's worked for you 😊 x
You need this post. She’s also just done a podcast episode on dads supporting breastfeeding. https://www.instagram.com/p/DE2KmNTtOKn/?igsh=dGExMXY0M2xxaXpy
We have a 4 month old, my partner rocks him to sleep and does bedtime as well (not as much as me but still quite a bit). It takes a bit longer than when I do it but is so helpful to take some or the pressure off me! Sometimes baby won't settle until I do it but alot of the times he does fall asleep on my partner. They've done a lot of skin to skin and contact naps since he was born which I think helps 💜
@Danni hello 😄 that's so strange why it changed, glad that's your little one settling back into her old routine for yous. I used to express milk so dad could feed him to but he started refusing bottles completely when he was around 6 months old unfortunately 😔 x
@Moon amazing thank you! Away to go and have a look now 😄 x
It was much smoother and easier than I imagined! Our put down routine was bath, book, breastfeed before and I would feed him to sleep, literally just changed the order and replaced with rocking initially which he responded to fine. We did it to try and stop his night wakes…. That hasn’t really happened 😂 but it is useful that either of us can respond to him when he wakes x
Hey! My little one is 13 months old, always been EBF and my husband puts him down for bed pretty much every night and has done since he was 7 months old. We alternate bath time, then once he’s ready for bed I will give him his last feed before bed and once he’s done, my husband comes in, reads him a book and puts him to bed! To begin with, he had to rock him to sleep but he settles in the cot now with just my husband sat by him and shushing. If I put him down, I try to follow the same steps and not let him fall asleep on the boob for consistency x