My LO was doing about 10 feeds a day but has now decided to about 14/15 and he is 9 weeks old.
We’re at around 8 at the moment. My LO is a very high percentile though and takes big feeds.
Sounds like a perfectly normal amount. I don't count our feeds anymore so I don't know how many per day
Between 9 and 12 usually. I think 12 is better as I noticed mine sleeps better those nights.
Haha we tracked 23 x 5 minute feeds the other day! Now back to a more sensible 13-16 feeds… but yeah, short/snacks here! 🙈
I couldn't tell you! It varies day to day because she's EBF. So far today though she's fed at 5.30 am, 8.45 am, 11am, 12pm, and then been switching been boobs since 1.30 and we are now on 2.15pm. So 6 times already. I imagine before bedtime we could be anything up to another 6-8 feeds. Maybe less.
Mine was doing 7 and was set at this but last 3-4 days she’s having 8, she never finishes a whole bottle though xx
I'm averaging about 12 feeds a day. Some days could be 16 some days 10. Never really any less than 10