I’m having the exact same issue! Day 16 breastfeeding and using top ups, Would love to know if anyone has any advice, midwives have checked latch and said it looks perfect to just keep doing what I’m doing and cut down on formula but she’s so still so hungry after breastfeeding she would need more formula if anything 😭 I’ve tried pumping in between feeds and haven’t been able to get more than 1oz even after pumping for over an hour
@Beth I'm in the same boat as Elizabeth, I've spoken to the midwives and they said that my latch is good and he is getting milk, and that I am doing the right thing by topping up. They just say to keep going with breastfeeding for as long as I can, which I think is the recommendation anyway. My partner increased his formula today (as he's over 2 weeks now) while I caught up on sleep, which seemed to help, but when I enter the room my little one just fusses and wants feeding over and over again.
Sounds like he's cluster feeding, which is very normal. If he's having plenty of wet and dirty nappies and gaining weight, I'm not sure the top ups are needed (or helping) but would be worth seeing your local infant feeding team and seeing someone face to face who is trained in lactation (not all midwives are) x
I was told to pump after feeds to up my supply. The lactation consultant even said 5 minutes would help. Best of luck!
Body armors and coconut water helps great for your milk supply
Can I ask are you drinking enough fluids? When I breastfeed I drink at least 3/4 litres of squash and my supply is great. It does sound like the baby is cluster feeding which can last a few days it's their growth spurts. See if you speak to health visitor etc.
@Laura to be honest keeping myself hydrated is one thing I forget to do. Last night was the first time I'd even eaten anything in 48 hours. I'll try to drink more fluids, thank you xx
Seems like he is cluster feeding which is normal, and won't last,baby does that actually to establish your milk supply but it is hard work and sometimes it does feel you don't produce enough even if some would say it's a myth but unless you feed your baby 24/7 it can be normal to find the need to top with formula. However, the more formula you give you risk to dicrease your supply. You can try more skin to skin, eating more nutritional food, drink more water, power pumping.....research breastfeeding support group in your area as well. You are almost there, so sending you encouragement even if in my case I chose to stop gradually
Have you spoken to a midwife? My trust has feeding specialists I can call if I need to but I’m sure failing that a midwife chat would be a good idea.