Yes take another test for sure
I'd test again.
I can see a line, defo test again x
Slippery discharge is a good sign! Call Dr get a blood test
@Olivia I took an at home test this morning and it was negative! Do you think I should still get blood test?
How many dpo?
@Olivia I’m not 100% sure when I ovulated but my app shows the 6th, definitely could’ve ovulated earlier than that. I got my period the 17th, which was on cycle day 27. I’m gonna say maybe 13dpo, but it could be about 16 if I were to ovulate earlier.
If the test is negative now it might have been a chemical pregnancy 😔
@Tatyanna it’s called Premom
@Laurie I had this happen to me 2 years ago almost to the exact week. Where my body skipped its first period. My cycle was over 30 days long. I got a positive test. Went and got blood done but it was negative. I’ve gotten ultrasounds done to make sure everything looked good, they haven’t ever found anything abnormal. My then partners counts were very very low so I understand not conceiving then, but I recently started trying with my new partner and it’s been about 6 months of unprotected and still nothing. Almost feels like a punishment when it’s all you want in life and you don’t get it.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Yes it does feel like punishment. I’ve had 3 chemicals and a late loss. We’ve been trying for 2 years and no luck yet, so we’ve turned to IVF. Sending you lots of baby dust ♥️ have you had yourself checked out yet?
@Laurie I’m so sorry 😞 That’s gotta be rough. I was in a relationship and married for about 5 years total. So same constant partner. We never used any protection so I knew that something was wrong like after being together for a few years. While I was at the gyno for a yearly appointment we talked to the doctor and she gave us this site we could order a semen test kit and do it in the comfort of our home to check his levels and then she ordered an ultrasound for me. Everything came back normal for me, that’s been about 2 years ago now. However his counts were very very low. We ended up getting a divorce and I started seeing someone else. Now we’ve started trying I’d say for about 4 months now, so If by the end of the year I haven’t successfully conceived I think I’ll have the doctors check me out again to make sure nothing has changed.
I can definitely see another line 😊x