Avocado and scrambled eggs or mashed banana and yogurt or fruit
Banana with weetabix or oats porridge
Banana pancakes, savoury or sweet egg muffins.
Mine has pretty much the same thing for breakfast everyday! Porridge with various fruit in - if they are insisting on feeding themselves just make it really thick and it’s not too messy
Spaghetti Hoops on Potatoe waffles
Cheerios with warm milk Weetabix with warm milk (add fruit of your choice) Pancakes (any flavour - I’ve done blueberry and banana so far) French toast (I’ve done plain and banana and cinnamon) Toast with homemade jam (I’ve done blueberry and strawberry so far making raspberry next week) Beans on toast Scrambled egg on toast Omelette (add whatever you want I’ve done cheese, spinach, bacon) Crumpets Porridge (add whatever fruit)
Fruit toast is one of my LG’s favourite!
Porridge with some blueberries cooked in, same every morning
What do you usually feed him/her?