As my HV told me a while ago, drinking too much milk stops the body from absorbing iron and other nutrients. It might be good to double check with your HV or try to cut it a bit
he doesn't stop eating lol 😆 I think you are both right I will cut it down
My son has a little before bed and that's all really apart from cereal.
Mine is the same one in the morning and one before bed. On non nursery days she will have milk everytime I have a cuppa 🤣 or if we go out to a cafe she wants some too. I am not concerned as she eats well.
Yup. Terrible eater. Occasionally will have an afternoon bottle. But usually will have around 300-600ml before bed and occasionally an extra 300ml bottle over night. So has around 600ml- 1l a day 🙈
Yes my little girl loves it and all dairy. I’ve cut down her cup of milk in morning and bed time to 130ml but she often asks for more, I just say no now as they don’t even need it. She has it in cereal, yoghurt etc
My health visitor told me to cut down milk so my lb usually only has it now and then now
Wow that's a lot. Is he eating enough?