@Alaysia he has pretty much always been like this. He just thinks he's too smart, and that I somehow going to laugh about his sarcasm,like no specially in a vulnerable time like this. 😐
Tell him to get shit together, you basically working 24/7 with no help, no breaks, while you also have to look after yourself and take care of yourself. Have you spoken to him that you feel he’s being rude, making jokes on you during this time is childish. That’s when Hes supposed to show and be there for you. Not to bully you girl ! Look my fiance works 50-60 hours a week, shit he still helps me at night idc, he will change a diaper when he needs to, but I prefer to put the diaper on because I know it will stay on hahah 🤣tell ur husband to act like ur husband. Hes supposed to be there for you and help you regardless he takes care of the bills or what nor.
What not*
Girl, do not kill yourself. That’s punishing the wrong people (yourself and your baby) for someone else’s mistakes. Plus, your baby needs its mom! As for your partner, relationships are complicated but if he’s not supporting you and/or is abusive, think about what that will teach your child as it grows up. That it’s ok to treat mom poorly, and that it’s ok to accept being treated that way. If your partner doesn’t fix his ways, take your baby and leave. And make him pay child support.
Have you talked to him? Or seen a therapist? I talked to one virtually and it helped a lot. If he doesn’t know how he’s making you feel then he can’t change