Varies for everyone. Normally by 24 weeks. I started feeling kicks internally and externally at 19weeks. I have an anterior placenta x
Doesn’t really matter if it’s your 1st second 3rd 4th n so on it purely depends where baby is laying and where the placenta is , I’m 20+2 Nd it’s my 3rd pregnancy and still don’t feel proper movements and I have a posterior placenta when my boy is on my left side I feel him very well but never feel him when he’s on the right side of me x
I didn't feel mine until about 19 weeks I don't think
With my first felt flutters at 16 weeks. Second started to feel flutters at 9 weeks felt first kick at 14 weeks. But it’s completely different for everyone normally between 16- 24 weeks x
It’s my first & I started feeling flutters/pokes at 16 weeks, at 17 weeks I felt kicks and we were able to see my belly move (I’m quite skinny so I think that’s why) Now Im 18 weeks and can feel movements usally morning & nightime x
With my first I didn’t feel anything til almost 20 weeks! Totally normal, with my second now I’ve just started being kicked! (14 weeks)
If it’s your first I didn’t feel anything until about 24 weeks. With my second I started feeling about 14 weeks x
If it’s your first it’s normally between 20-24 weeks I think!