Ezra ranked 38 in England and Wales 2023 (+257 spots since 2013) In England it ranked 39 (+7 since 2022) in Wales it ranked 35 (+9 since 2022)
We’re using as a middle name as my other two boys both have a middle name beginning with E so we wanted to continue the trend 😅 I think it’s a lovely name
We have a Ezra who is 3 and have met 2 so its becoming more common but we love it and don't regret choosing it 😀 personally would be put off by a top 10 name as someone who grew up with lots of people with the same name x
I have an Ezra who’s 5! I still love the name . I thought it was quite unique when I gave him the name ( I was very wrong 🤣 ) but it is definitely becoming a lot more popular . He is only one of 2 at his school but I think it’s got a lot more common since then. If you love the name though go for it! I still think it’s super cool and don’t regret naming him that at all .