@Gemma aww okay! See yeah I’m wondering do I just get the smaller like travel size different brands to try out so it’s not a massive waste of money? I’m a first time mum so it’s all very new to me x
That’s what I recommend to everyone! I don’t know why it never clicked with me but even baby hair reacts differently to different shampoos. Like I found the baby dove made my daughter’s hair feel quite greasy after a wash whereas My Little Coco made her hair so bouncy and brought her curls back. My sons comes up lovely with the dove though and he probably had more curls than my daughter 😂 It’s crazy when you think about when we were little though, I doubt our Mums stressed nearly as much about soaps and shampoos! X
@Gemma it’s so strange isn’t it how so many different products can either work or not but I suppose it’s the same for us! Il def get small sizes though so thank you for your help! I’m 21 weeks so I know I’ve still got time but I’m trying to get as much ticked off my lists while I’m still working before maternity pay begins 😭😂 x
Yeah that’s absolutely the best way go do it. Once we’ve got past 12 weeks we’ve always just started adding a pack of nappies, wipes or like sleepsuits to each shop to try and spread it all out. Always still end up panic buying ridiculous things in the last weeks and completely forgetting that you can get most things next day delivery now and in the first few weeks you barely use anything bar the obvious nappies/wipes/pyjamas and obviously however your feeding x
Nala’s baby!
@Gemma that’s a brilliant idea about picking up wipes and nappies with your shop! I think I’m going to start that when I go for my food shop on payday! Thanks so much - I love this app it helps, especially as I’m doing this solo it’s lovely to have you ladies here to help x
Started with Childs farm but it seemed to be drying him out alot so switched to Aveeno and haven’t looked back 😊 we also started with water wipes and switched to the Huggies aqua which is the same concept of no nasties in it but 1/3 of the price 😅
My daughter had eczema from a CMPA and child’s farm seemed to aggravate it more. We love Nala’s baby and My Little Coco. Honestly though I would just buy a couple of different brands and see how you get on with each. We were gifted so much bath things that we never ended up using because they just didn’t work for us x