So a little like holiday bad for yourself. With me I went in early due to issues but didn’t know this was gunna happen. I took brush Tooth paste and brush I dunno where your location is but in the hospital I went in I was allowed to have a shower so I packed shampoo body wash and a towel
I didn’t pack enough clothes so it depends if your a single parent or with baby dad that can grab etc if u end up needing extra but in the first bag was 2 nighties and some woman period pants cuz you can bleed after although the hospital provided me bed pads but they didn’t help me feel comfortable. Dressing gown slippers For baby Try breast feeding but take prepared milk because I didn’t think it would be an issue and didn’t take it with me it was in spare bag. Depending on how big he or she is. I packed 3 new born 3 lots 0-3 and 3 of 0-1 month Nappies size 0’s and then extra in spare bag And nappies size 1’s They say to pack cotton pads and use the pads with water but I did pack wipes so it depends who’s your nurse is but I was told not to use them. Car seat isn’t needed Blanket Hat I think that’s it like I said I ended up staying in longer I think like 7 days to 2 weeks
Wish you all the best
@Courtney yeah I stayed in for 2 weeks with my little boy so I didn’t have enough for either of us😂 thank you for your help x
a hand held fan!
I remember taking so much for labour after taking the hypnobirthing course, ie. I considered battery tea lights but didn’t take them, a hand held fan, combs to hold (apparently good for labour), I made a playlist and took a tiny speaker…turns out I used NONE of that in my 2 hr 50 labour & birth and only the hand held fan came in useful during early labour and on the postpartum ward.
It’s awful when you think you have everything then your like oh no I need more milk or oh no I need spare clothes or something like that.
@Danica yes actually because where I was by the window there was breeze but it was boiling
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