When That Happens To My Baby I Give Gas Drops Or Gripe Water & Apple Juice
I’d say it’s quite common but also dairy is a big cause of constipation at this age they only really need 2 portions a day but if they have bottles too it can mean they end up having quite a lot of milk! Xx
My daughter was exactly the same when I phoned the digit they told me it’s normal but they like to put babies on laxido so it doesn’t come uncomfortable for them and upsetting for them to go so my little girl in on the sachets now and it helps her so much definitely phone your gp and speak to them
@Louise he won’t sleep at night and I think maybe it’s cuz he isn’t pooing
@Mya that causes him pains I tried that when he didn’t poo for the first time ever and then he was crying and wouldn’t drink his milk or anything so adviced not to give drips water. What is Gas drops ? And pure apple juice??
@Emily I don’t give him Dairy only started yesterday but he hadn’t pood 3 days before that so I won’t give him anymore for now then. He struggles to eat at times off spoons he rather have like finger foods. Then is he eats well he doesn’t drink as much.
@Ellie-Mae thank you I’ll call them tomorrow then :)
@Courtney definitely try some prunes. You can buy the own brand supermarket pouches or Ella's kitchen ones. Whenever my little used to struggle we would give him half of one of those and literally within about 30 mins he would poop it all
I'd recommend prunes and sometimes ill put some pear puree mixed in water to help her go! Shes always been a constipated baby so putting a bit of prunes in her diet has massively helped and lots of water helps too :)
Thank you so much was gunna take him to doctors yesterday but he finally went and then went twice today so I guess it’s just his thing. Didn’t need to try anything either which was crazy but thank you so much but next time I think it will be trip to doctors but hopefully he’s over it.
@Louise wow this is great to know thank you and I have brought one before but that was forgetting that it does that and it made him go crazy 😂 so I said I would never do it again but now he’s a little older it might have to be done again haha
@Hayley yeah he’s chooses to drink water whenever I offer he just turns his head away 😂 but strange enough tonight he was drinking it so we are on the up thank you so much
Some babies don't poo daily. If he's on obvious discomfort they prunes x