I went through this aswell at early stages and it is so exhausting but it passes! For gas id say watch what you eat try avoiding things like dairy and see if it changes anything for your lo and the pooping, I’ve heard bf babies don’t poop as often as they take in most of the nutrients. It should pass as baby gets older but they do like the comfort. X
Sounds like a growth spurt. Hang in there, things will settle down again. Get as much help as you can with keeping yourself fed & watered 💖
Try to avoid cruciferous veggies.
This could also be cluster feeding which happens during growth spurts. My lactation consultant talks about this in an interview I did with her on benefits of breastfeeding. The info is below! Nurturing Bonds: The Benefits of Breastfeeding with a Lactation Expert https://youtu.be/R__UmJk39Lc