Breastmilk!!! If you don't have any bread I'll donations!
I agree with Kelsey, steaming the bathroom and saline spray helps I also put a humidifier in the room with us and a baby safe chest rub I use Zarbees soothing chest rub and Zarbees do you think Celine nasal mist with aloe and a Frida nose sucker
Cough medicine is not recommended at this age. I would continue tylenol, use a cool mist humidifier, saline for stuffy nose and warm baths when needed. If you see that baby is eating less and having less diaper output I would contact your Dr. I would honestly send a message anyways to see what they recommended and just to let them know in case they want you to come in.
Keep baby hydrated and keep an eye on wet diapers.
Yes definitely keep an eye out!! My son had RSV that started with a cough and runny nose. It very quickly turned into having a wheeze with chest and throat retractions. Now he has bronchiolitis. We spent 3 days in the hospital with him on oxygen. All of his tests came back positive and negative throughout the week and his ped said it was just a cold, she was wrong. I’d keep a very close eye just to make sure!
My LO had this last week. I used Motrin to help the fever. Used a humidifier and air purifier throughout the house. Used saline drop and nose sucker to get rid of boogers to help clear the mucus during coughs. keep hydrated formula and water.
Thanks all!
My son was just dealing this, he was diagnosed with RSV so if his cough seems really bad I would take him into the doctor to get tested. RSV is going around like crazy right now. Our doctor was able to give him some medicine to help his lungs open more to help him breathe better. But our pediatric also recommended a steam room in the bathroom with a hot shower running, Zarbees cough syrup for babies, saline mist/drops with lots of nose sucking and elevating one end of his mattress at night so he isn’t laying completely flat.