Yeah think ill try the sticks although dont wana get obsessed! My husband works away so i’m panicking we only have short period to get pregnant or sometimes he wont even be here when i’m ovulating xx
I was becoming obsessed tbh and the cycle I actually conceived i wasn’t gonna test ovulation, I only tested once as I get ovulation pains so I just thought I’d check if I was actually ovulating
I used Aunt Flo (FLO) , I used it for my 18 month old and for this 1 and got pregnant 1st time trying both times x
How lucky
It took me probably like 4/5 cycles to get pregnant , I got my cycle back at 12 months pp and got pregnant about 16 months pp and it was 28-31 days, although my luteal phase being 8/9 days, I was tracking ovulation with the sticks so maybe try that? I was also BF