@Sophie yes. I had a vaginal ultrasound on Friday
I’m getting an ablation done on my uterus. I’m not having any more babies and I didn’t want any hormones or anything to help regulate it. I was on Depo and it stopped my periods. But I don’t want any form of bitch control cause I don’t really need it. I will be if having it done in the next week or so so I guess we will see how it goes
@Whitney Brooke🩷 the only reason I asked is because I had some retained placenta/potential blood clot left in my womb after having my second baby and that was preventing my uterus from closing like it should, so wondered if they mentioned they had seen anything like that? But I hope everything goes smoothly with the ablation and your bladder issues start to improve x
@Sophie they say it literally take a couple of seconds to do. I just hope it helps. Some say you still have a period and then some say they never had one after that so I’m hoping I’m one of them people that never has one again.
@Sophie I called and asked my doctor and he basically said my uterus is closed it’s just basically stretched out and had not went back to normal size.
@Whitney Brooke🩷 ah right! Is there anything they can do to help you with the issues you're having though? X
@Sophie yeah that ablation. And if that don’t work I guess I’m going to ask them about taking my tubes out.
Have you had a scan on your uterus? Is that how you know it's still enlarged? X