Car seat & hospital bag

When should I go about installing car seat and packing hospital bag? Currently 25 weeks and baby girl is growing sooo fast measuring 2 weeks ahead😅
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Practice putting your seat in the car but don’t install it and leave it in till you go to hospital. If you have a collision before you need it, you’ve wasted it as it will need replacing. As for the bag, whenever you want. Being organised is a good idea as baby can come anytime, both of mine came early and I had my bag packed b around week 32.

@Sarah thanks! I didn’t even consider that, I’ll definitely be taking this advice.

Me personally as a single mom, I had my car seat installed by the fire department when I was around 6-7 months , I believe. You are not a single mom or for whatever other reason you can wait till hospital if you have somebody to help you with it. They are very tedious to install As for my hospital bag, I kind of just slowly packed it as I went on and made sure it was nice and organized when I was in my 30 something weeks Like I was slowly buying things whenever I saw a sale or clearance

There’s no harm in doing it now while you’re excited and have the energy. I went in at 35 weeks and left with a baby born at 36 weeks. I had nothing packed and the car seat got installed in the hospital parking lot. Everyone told me I was silly for wanting it all done sooner 😂

@Bianca my fear is going in early and not being prepared… I just want to get it out of the way now lol

I prepped everything after my baby shower which was 2 months before my due date. And I’m glad I did because I ended up having her a whole month early!

No issues with packing early once it’s done it’s done, 1 less thing to stress about

We put the carseat in at 36 weeks and packed the bag at 37 weeks.

@Jen my shower is 2 weeks before my due date😅 hopefully she doesn’t come before then!

I got the car seat in the car at 36 weeks and packed the hospital bag at the time too Doctors thought I was going to go in to labor early but I ended up delivering one day before my due date but was glad I had everything ready due to the final weeks just be so exhausted 😊

I packed our bag while I was in labor 5 cm dilated😂

@Baled Potato you’re brave! My hospital is 30 minutes away and If I wait that long I may not make it there in time lol

@Nana I wanted until the last minute because I was convinced I was gonna be pregnant forever. 39 weeks and a few days took forever.

@Baled Potato that is exactly how I feel!!! This pregnancy is dragging by. I found out at 3.5 weeks and feels like it’s been forever. I’m so over being pregnant.

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