I had placenta previa, diagnosed at 20 week scan. I had another scan at 33/34 weeks and it had moved but not the recommended 2cm from the os. I have another scan on friday, ill be 35+5 to see if it has moved any further but they dont think it will and I will be booked in for a c section. I have had a few instances of spotting/ light bleeding and admitted each time but thankfully none in the last few weeks but I have been signed off work and I am not doing much
@Leanne Thanks that’s helpful 😊 at what point were you signed off work?
They signed me off when i had my last scan so I was 33+4 ish. I think with a low lying/placenta previa, you can have unprovoked bleeds so they are trying to mitigate that. They did say that I will need to have my csection before I go into labour and I went into labour at 38+1 with my daughter so I am hoping the end is in sight 🤣
Following as I’ve also been told I have this (but anterior) at 16 weeks when I first attended pre-term clinic due to previous two pregnancies both spontaneous labour and prom at 32 weeks. Cervix is also shorter than they’d like so high risk of prem labour this time. Currently on 2x daily progesterone and fortnightly scans. Last weeks scan (18 weeks) still no change. Obviously I’m hopeful my placenta will move as I get bigger, but aware if not then a planned section at 36 weeks. Anxious that I’ve never got to 36 weeks though and if I go early again could be serious complications xxx
Update- i delivered yesterday by emergency csection at 36+4 as I had gone into labour. I was admitted to hospital last wednesday with a bleed that had resolved but kept me in for observation. Got my first pain at 4.30 and baby was in my arms at 6.50 🥰🥰
Congratulations @Leanne glad all went well 🥰 xxx
@Leanne Oh wow congratulations! 🤍🤍
I had complete posterior placenta previa at 18 weeks and it had moved at 32 weeks but moved more over the interval OS, so got even worse. I then spontaneoisly bled at home at 34 weeks and was taken in for C section that night. Every single scenario is different and yours may move. But I would be asking the doctors questions and expectations, steroid injections in the last trimester. I guess perhaps prepare to deliver slightly earlier and treat yourself with gold. Absolutely no lifting, long standing and hate to say it but no penetrative sex. My boy required a 15 day NICU stay when delivered at 34 weeks. Emotional but we got through it. Still able to breastfeed through pumping when away from him etc. Just ask questions and prepare earlier. Xxx