
How many days in a row have you given Tylenol to your teething baby? My son is 8 months and getting 3 top teeth. He is miserable. I'm on day 5 of Tylenol, and have been giving him some before bed only. It's when he's the most uncomfortable. As per the label on the Tylenol box, it indicates to consult with a doctor if needed for a longer period. I really don't want to make an apt with the doctor just for a question like that. Lots of viruses going around these days.
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Call your health link and get advice but we just went through being sick and teething at the same time. I can tell you that she lived on Tylenol and Advil for a solid 7 days. I usually try to save it for bed but she was miserable for a couple of days that she was on it alllll day long. If you’re just using it at bedtime I wouldn’t be too worried.

Not for teething but my baby survived off tylenol for almost 10 days when she had a high fever that wouldn't go away. The cheo doctors told me it was fine. There are homeopathic teething drops called Camilia drops thst helped my daughter when teething as fell as sucking on frozen fruit. You can get these mesh things and put it in there and they can chew away at it

We've done quite a few nights of tylenol. Also, Camilla works great. Our little guy wears an amber necklace during the day, which I find helps the most. There are small ones that can put on their ankles for at night. Some people leave the necklaces on 24/7. I personally don't, and the bracelet one is too small for him. Frozen fruit and yogurt tubed were a must for us as well. Chewing in a tooth brush before bed or a frozen or cold cloth also helped for bedtime.

My son has been having Tylenol alot since starting teething sometimes it’s once a day with a day without sometimes it’s 3 times a day! I’m not gunna allow him to be in pain when you can give something like Tylenol I know I would take something for my pain if It was causing me discomfort, I do use those teething drops a lot the camilia drops are nice for thru the day etc

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