My midwife said, use a pad, if it soaks it up it’s your amniotic fluid, if it sits on top it’s a discharge
If you in anyway think it could be your waters leaking you should call triage as they can check.
@Jennifer I know, and normally I’d be straight up there, but I have little one and nobody to have them with me whilst I sit up hospital so unless I can determine it’s an actual emergency I don’t know if I can risk waking them and taking them hospital with me.
I’d ring up and see what they say about it. I went in for this in my last pregnancy and it turned out to be thrush that just wasn’t giving me any other symptoms x
I ended up going in this morning and thankfully wasn’t amniotic fluid, couldn’t tell me what it was unfortunately.
You can add a pad, and if it happens again, it will help you determine its color.