I felt awful. Very cold. And shivers. Exhausted and my boobs were extremely heavy and sore
This sounds exactly how I was when I had mastitis!! I was absolutely shaking, on a right mess, soon as i got antibiotics I was fine x
For me depending on the antibiotics they can give me sickness and diarrhoea, which is a very common side effect. If you are worried though seek medical attention, even if it’s just 111. Sepsis is no joke. Good luck xx
Thank you all so much! Definitely reduced the panic! I’m on day 2 of the antibiotics now and starting to feel much better in myself. Just need to be able to actually stomach food and keep it in!
I had mastitis due to a blocked duct. My boob was hot to touch, felt very full and swollen. I felt like I had flu like symptoms. I had a fever and was run down and just felt sorry for myself. I wasn’t sick and I don’t remember having diarrhoea though. Went to hospital and she prescribed antibiotics which cleared it up within two days. Hope you manage to get it sorted and everything is okay x