You can only find out from social services if he is living at your property and has contact with your child. They cannot give out information for someone who doesn’t live with you and have close contact with a child in the home. Even then they will not give a lot of details into a case.
Also if he is known to social services and they are aware he has another child, they would be contacting yourself to arrange a visit
@Shannon yeah I don't want to know the ins and outs. Just yes we have that name here or no. Because using this excuse second time round isn't washing with me. I would just prefer to be told the truth as to why he isn't seeing my child. I would have thought if it was true I would have been contacted by the social services to say about no contact with the dad. Like I've seen with friends
Thank you girls for your reply
Hello, you can certainly ring gateway and they will advise if there is an ongoing investigation. If there is they will want you/your children to be a part of that for a robust assessment ☺️
@Alice thank you. I called this morning and waiting for a call back from a social worker.
Spin it around. Take the chance to see your daughter away until you see some official paperwork from a social worker that he is safe to have around.